I think anyone who has played sports can tell from my title exactly what this blog post will be about. Every athlete at one point in their youth has had to experience the annoying and bothersome occurrence of/a crazy sport parent/s. Hopefully your parents were never one of these, but if they were, one I will pray for you, and two this is by no means a personal attack on them. I bet they parented you quite well.
What I'm going on about is the parents of children in sports who have to constantly be involved with whats going on, call the coach on a daily basis making sure their son/daughter will get playing time, yell as loud as they can at the games, not only at their own child, but at the refs or other team, and hold their child's hand through just about every step of their young sports career. It's these parents that just ruin the sporting events for not only their own child, but also everyone else around.
I've seen these crazy sports parents at many a soccer game and they never fail to add a certain level of entertainment to the game, at least for me. For the child of the parent/s though, I feel pretty bad. Not only is it embarrassing to have a mother or father yelling at you, but it's also annoying as heck. I don't know this from experience, because my parents have been very good about me and sports, but the kids I've talked to who have to deal with parents like that always talk about them in a negative light and I think it leads kids to poor relationships with their parents.
There's my little preaching for the day. Hope you all enjoyed, and like I said, no offense to the crazy parents out there.
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